Why Customer Reviews and Testimonials Boost Website Effectiveness?

If you’re looking to really boost the effectiveness of your website, testimonials and reviews can go a long way to help. More and more businesses are starting to realize just how much of an impact customer opinion can have on sales and popularity

Below you’ll discover why reviews and testimonials really matter:



  • The popularity of online reviews:

Reviews are by far one of the best marketing tools a business can use. Studies have shown that a staggering nine out of ten people read reviews before they decide whether or not to buy a product or service. In fact, it has almost become second nature to look up a business online and find out what others are saying. With these statistics in mind, you can easily see just how much influence and effect a customer review could have on your website.


  • Trusted opinions matter:

Consumers trust online reviews and testimonials just as much as they trust word of mouth. So if other customers are raving about your business, it’s going to really increase your sales. The reviews and testimonials basically eliminate any doubt potential customers have about using your services. They can also help your customers choose which product or service is right for them.

  • The importance of adding neutral reviews:

Of course, you’re going to be tempted to only show positive reviews and testimonials. While this is certainly logical, it could actually prove to be a lot less effective. This is because, in reality, all products and services have a downside. In order for potential customers to trust your business, they need to see that the reviews and testimonials published aren’t completely biased.

What you can do is add a comment or reply to any reviews and testimonials that highlight a problem and address how you will rectify it. That way, when a potential customer reads it, they will see you actually listen to your customers and take steps to resolve any problems that may occur.
Overall, customer reviews and testimonials help to build up credibility, spread the word about your business, and give useful information to potential customers.

As a result, you can expect an increase in trust, as well as sales, which is naturally the next order of business. So if you aren’t currently making use of your website to share customer opinions, now is definitely the right time to start.

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