What is Made in India Government Messaging App Sandes, what are its features

Controversy has started in India for the last few years regarding foreign apps, after which many made in India apps have been launched. WhatsApp is the world’s largest instant multimedia messaging app. It has more than 55 crore users in India alone. The Sandes app has been launched by the Government of India in competition with WhatsApp. The Messages app can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. Message app has been developed by NIC (National Information Center) and it is claimed that it is a secure made in India messaging app. In today’s report, we will tell you everything about this Made in India messaging app Sandes.

What is Sandes App?

Messages app is also a multimedia messaging app. On this too, you can send documents other than messages and photos-videos in the same way as you send on WhatsApp. One problem with the Sandes app is that it can currently be used by only government servants or people who are associated with any government organization, although you can also download it from Play Store or App Store and try it. Messages app is also end to end encrypted.

Features of Sandes App

This app has all the features of today’s trending messaging apps. Apart from this, there is also the facility of video-audio calling in the Messages app. You can also create groups in this app like other messaging apps. Also you can video call with more than one person at the same time. As a security, the data of the message app remains on the Indian server only.

There is one most special feature in the Messages app which is not in any other messaging app and that is Message Type. As a message type, you get three types of labels including Priority, Auto Delete and Confidential. You can use all these labels according to your need. If you are sending a very important message to someone, then you can choose the Priority label.