Telegram, Signal got a tremendous advantage due to the downing of Facebook and WhatsApp!

After the downfall of Facebook, Telegram and Signal App have benefited the most. Confirming this, Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov has said that he has got so many users in 1 day, which is much more than normal days. Let us tell you that two days ago on Monday, all three Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram were down at around 9:15 pm, due to which the users had to face a lot of problems.

7 million new users a day

Telegram founder Pavel Durov told to inform you that they have added 7 million new users in one day with them. Along with it also said that some users in America must have faced slow speed of Telegram on that day, because when millions of people sign-up together then this kind of problem can come. But his service continued to work normally and will continue to do so. The founder of Telegram wrote on his channel, ‘I am proud of my team, because the way the team handled the work was not easy. Most of the users did not feel any problem in Telegram. Let us tell you that Telegram has recently crossed the one billion downloads mark and it has 500 million monthly active users.