Telegram adds two and a half million new users in 72 hours

Telegram said on Wednesday that two and a half million new users have been added to the messaging app in the last 72 hours. The company has created these new users worldwide. But Asia has the highest number of users at 38 percent of it. At the same time, 27 percent users come from Europe, 21 percent from Latin America and 8 percent from MENA. With this, Telegram crossed the total number of 500 million active users.

Like Signal, the download of Telegram has increased drastically after the introduction of the new WhatsApp policy. After WhatsApp’s new privacy policy, there is a concern about data among users. Users are switching to other messaging platforms that are more secure and private. Elon Musk has also asked Facebook-owned WhatsApp to migrate.

According to a report, Signal and Telegram’s downloads in India increased to 40 lakhs after the change in WhatsApp’s policy. Signal won the top spot in this race with around 2.3 million new downloads between January 6 and January 10. At the same time, Telegram garnered 1.5 million new downloads in this period.

Seeing the increasing number of new users, Pavel Durov of Telegram said that people no longer want to get free services in lieu of their privacy. He said that this increase is very significant as compared to last year, while 1.5 million users are signing up every day. We have also seen an increase in the number of downloads protecting user privacy during the first 7 years. Powell further stated that with 500 million active users and continued growth, Telegram has become the largest communication platform showing commitment to privacy and security. We are very serious about this responsibility and we will not disappoint you.