India is waiting for 5G! Preparation for 6G launching in these two countries, speed knowledge will be shocked

India has long awaited the launch of the 5G service. The 5G spectrum auction is in March this year. But according to the report of the parliamentary panel, only by 2022 can the 5G service be rolled out in India. But apart from India, China and America have started preparing to launch the 6G service here. China has been working on 6G for a long time. Huawei, a Chinese company, has a 6G research center in Canada, where 6G technology is increasingly being worked on. According to the current report, China launched a satellite in November last year to test airwaves for 6G transmission, while another Chinese telecom company ZTE is also working in this direction with Unicom Hong-Kong.

6G competition in America and China

According to the reports, the US started working on 6G technology during the era of the Trump administration. ATIS i.e. The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions has been formed to launch 6G in the US, which has been working on 6G technology since October last year. The alliance includes technology giants such as Apple, AT&T, Qualcomm, Google and Samsung. Also in December last year, the European Union also launched the 6G wireless project led by Nokia, which includes Ericsson AB and Telefonica SA as well as some universities.

Why is there a competition to get 6G first?

The competition to launch 6G continues between China and the United States. Let us know that the 6G launching competition is not unnecessary. Actually, the country which has the first patent of 6G in the world has some advantages. It is believed that the country which develops 6G technology first, occupies most of the telecom market in the world. Because of this, the race for 6G launching between China and America is going on.

How much will the speed of 6G be?

The actual information about the speed of 6G is not available at the moment. After the successful trial run of 6G, the actual speed will be known. But it is definitely being claimed that the speed of 6G will be 100 times faster than the maximum speed of 5G. According to this estimate, the speed of 6G can be 1,000Gbps. Because currently, the maximum speed of 5G is 10Gbps. But it is important to know that the commercial rollout of 6G may take a very long time now. Its price will be very high as well.