The hacker got a job in the same company from where he stolen cryptocurrency

Think of a hallmark that you committed the biggest theft in history at a company and that company hired you. Yes, such an incident is rarely seen and heard. You may remember that last week was the biggest theft in the history of cryptocurrency in which hackers stole more than 4,500 crores of cryptocurrencies. The theft took place at Poly Network, a company known for cryptocurrency transfers.

Now Poly Network has hired the same hacker. Poly Network has said that it is happy with the ability of the hackers and it is happy that they are being given the job. The hacker’s name is said to be Mr. White Hat, although the actual name is still a mystery. Paul is addressing the network hacker as an ethical hacker. The company believes that it has informed us about the deficiencies. PolyNetwork has hired the hacker as the Chief Security Advisor.

Cryptocurrency return of 1,930 million

A day after hacking in cryptocurrency, poly network claimed that stolen went over 4,500 million has returned cryptocurrency nearly 1,930 million. According to Poly Networks, $269 million in Ethereum and $84 million in polygons were not returned. The company has given this information by tweeting one after the other. The company has said in a statement that it does not legally hold Mr. White Hat responsible for this hacking and hopes that White Hat will return the money to it and its users. Please note that not all of the company’s cryptocurrencies have been refunded yet. The hackers still have $235 million worth of cryptocurrency.